Paula Bruna
Visual artist and environmentalist
She holds a PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a Master's degree in Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UB). From her double perspective as an environmentalist and artist, she uses artistic research as a form of knowledge that combines different disciplines.
In recent years, she has been researching the shaping of the Anthropocene narrative from a non-human point of view, combining science fiction and art. Her hypothesis is that exploring points of view other than the current anthropocentrism has effects on ecological awareness and opens up the possibilities of different forms of coexistence.
She shares her research in publications, conferences, artistic residencies and in exhibitions at centres such as the Extremadura and Ibero-American Museum of Contemporary Art (MEIAC), Arts Santa Mònica, the SWAB Barcelona Art Fair and the Kunstraum Lakeside in Austria, among others. She has also participated in festivals such as Festus Torelló, Bianyal, ExAbrupto, Aplec Saó and Projector International Videoart Festival. She is currently artist-in-residence at La Escocesa creative factory.